2022 Funded Projects
Acronym | TRI | Call Module | Title | Abstract |
ISSDEMO | TRI 6: Integrated Industrial Energy Systems | Call Module: TRI6 Industrial energy systems | Industrial process Steam Supply – DEMOnstration of a ultra-dynamic thermal energy storage | The mission of ISSDEMO is to enable energy transition in industrial applications with focus on process steam. ISSDEMO project aims at TRI 6 Integrated industrial energy systems. |
DRIVE | TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS | Call Module: TRI3 CCU/CCS technologies | Deep Removal of CO2 and InnoVative Electrification concepts | DRIVE aims at providing improved technological solutions for the first (and most costly) step in CCS and CCU chains: CO2 capture. |
HyCoMM | TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS | Call Module: TRI3 Hydrogen and renewable fuels | Clean Hydrogen Construction and Mining Machines | Hybrids and electrified drives can be found in many mobile application areas, such as in passenger cars and city buses, and have proven their performance and robustness in everyday use. |
EPoBoC | TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies | Call Module: TRI2 Breakthrough R&D to increase RE power technologies efficiency | Easy to fabricate, both sides poly-Si passivating contact bottom cell for Perowskite/Silicon tandem devices | To continue to follow the long-term learning curve of ca. |
AMbCS | TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS | Call Module: TRI3 CCU/CCS technologies | Advanced Membrane-based solutions for CCUS in Shipping | Global CO2 emission levels continue to rise and acceleration in deploying emission reduction technologies of all types across all sectors is required to combat climate change. |
ECom4Future | TRI 5: Integrated Regional Energy Systems | Call Module: TRI5 Integrated Regional Energy Systems | FIWARE Driven Energy Communities for the Future | Today, energy systems include prosumers and energy communities, which have novel objectives. They can collect detailed information of their consumption and generation. |
LEGACY | TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS | Call Module: TRI3 CCU/CCS technologies | Field studies for de-risking existing wells and CCS site geology | Primary objective of the LEGACY project is to develop tools and technologies for screening, modelling, monitoring, and mitigation of well integrity issues and… |
TRANSMIT | TRI 7: Integration in the Built Environment | Call Module: TRI7 R&I in clean energy integration in the built environment | Semi-transparent micro-stripped thin-film photovoltaics for energy-harvesting windows | Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) promises a solution for on-site renewable electricity enabling zero-energy buildings. |
SPOT-IT | TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies | Call Module: TRI2 Breakthrough R&D to increase RE power technologies efficiency | Stable printed perovskite/organic tandem solar cells and modules for indoor & IoT | The global Internet-of-Things (IoT) market is projected to grow from $478.36 billion in 2022 to $2,465.26 billion by 2029, at a compound annual growth rate of 26.4% in forecast period. |
HydrOTEC | TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS | Call Module: TRI3 Hydrogen and renewable fuels | Hydrogen production with the use of Solar Assisted Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion in the Mediterranean Sea | Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) technology uses the temperature difference between the sea surface and sea bed for the production of electricity and/or by-products including desalinated… |
MORE | TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies | Call Module: TRI2 Breakthrough R&D to increase RE power technologies efficiency | Next Generation Marine Materials for Resilient Offshore Renewable Energy Devices | MORE (Next Generation Marine Materials for Resilient Offshore Renewable Energy Devices) proposes the creation of a new robust methodology with improved tools for material selection and validation… |
REFORM | TRI 7: Integration in the Built Environment | Call Module: TRI7 R&I in clean energy integration in the built environment | Power Generation from Perovskite Architectural Elements | In cities, where the available rooftop area is only a small fraction of the total building surface, BIPV will become an important resource of solar energy which, however, is not yet fully… |
GreenSmith | TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS | Call Module: TRI3 CCU/CCS technologies | Gas Processing for Climate Neutral Steelmaking | The GreenSmith project demonstrates the recovery of both H2 and Syngas with CO2… |
NORD STORM | TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies | Call Module: TRI2 Breakthrough R&D to increase RE power technologies efficiency | Novel paths towards next generation heterojunction solar cell and module | “NORD STORM” is to develop next generation industrial silicon heterojunction (SHJ) solar cell and modules which exceed the current amorphous Si based SHJ technologies through several breakthrough… |
SEASNAKE+ | TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies | Call Module: TRI2 Advancing RE technologies for power production through cost reduction | Industrial upscale of surface protection system & fibre optic-based condition monitoring for the SEASNAKE MVC (Medium Voltage Cables) | The main objective of SEASNAKE+ is to scale-up and demonstrate (TRL6-7) the dynamic medium voltage cable (dMVC) with improved lifetime by: easy clean paint; in-line in-situ paint application… |
SMART-LEM | TRI 5: Integrated Regional Energy Systems | Call Module: TRI5 Integrated Regional Energy Systems | A Business Model-Oriented Platform with Applications for Developing Local Electricity Markets and Accelerating Clean Energy Transition | We aim to develop and validate a business model-oriented platform with applications (SMART-LEM) for developing Local Electricity Markets (LEM) and accelerating clean energy transition. |
WIND-DIGIPOWER | TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies | Call Module: TRI2 Breakthrough R&D to increase RE power technologies efficiency | Large-scale wind integration for the future digital power grid using innovative power electronics control and communication-based estimations | The aim of this project is to develop innovative solutions for the power system architecture and transmission for offshore wind power plants (OWPP), by exploiting the most advanced communication,… |
SMARTMOORING | TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies | Call Module: TRI2 Breakthrough R&D to increase RE power technologies efficiency | Smart mooring for safe and efficient ocean energy production | The SMARTMOORING project focuses on the development and validation of moored marine energy systems that will enable data-driven design optimizations, predictive maintenance procedures, and in-… |
CO2RR | TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS | Call Module: TRI3 CCU/CCS technologies | Carbon Rhine Route | The objective of this project is to establish the first commercial international multi-modal CO2 transport value chain in the Europe. |
WaMTec | TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies | Call Module: TRI2 Advancing RE technologies for power production through cost reduction | From Wafer to Module: Cost-Effective High-Efficiency Silicon Technologies | In the WaMTec project, an ingot/wafer and a module manufacturer, as well as equipment manufacturers and research institutes are joining forces to reduce the manufacturing costs of solar cells with… |
PVT4EU | TRI 4: Efficient zero emission Heating and Cooling Solutions | Call Module: TRI4 Heating & Cooling | Photovoltaic Thermal For Europe | The green and digital transitions of the European economy and its energy systems require sustainable, secure, and climate-neutral technologies. |