TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS

The main aim of TRI 3 is to provide technological cleaner solutions for storage technologies, hydrogen and renewable fuels, CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) and CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilisation). TRI3-group intend to fund projects that have a significant bearing on accelerating the technologies and provide results showing significant CO2 reduction by 2030 and demonstrate a contribution to the climate neutrality by 2050."




TRI 3 Office
Aage Stangenland (RCN,NO)

CCUS Knowledge Sharing Workshop

CCUS Knowledge Sharing Workshop
hybrid meeting; Oslo, Norway and virtual Teams meeting

Information event for upcoming CETPartnership Call 2024 regarding carbon-neutral solutions, industrial processes, CCUS, hydrogen and renewable fuels (TRI3 & 6)

Information meeting about CETP Joint Call 2023 for Icelandic applicants, with Rannis and GEORG Cluster.

Norwegian Funding Opportunities in the CETP 2023 Call

Norwegian Funding Opportunities in the CETP 2023 Call
Online via Teams

Information event for the CETPartnership call 2023 regarding CCUS, hydrogen and renewable fuels (TRI3)

Information event for upcoming CETPartnership Call 2023 regarding carbon-neutral solutions, industrial processes, CCUS, hydrogen and renewable fuels (TRI3 & 6)

Accelerating CCU/S in Industry: market shaping activity plans and RDI needs Now Available