Deep Removal of CO2 and InnoVative Electrification concepts

DRIVE aims at providing improved technological solutions for the first (and most costly) step in CCS and CCU chains: CO2 capture. DRIVE will provide guidance on who to cost-effectively lower the residual emissions associated with CO2 capture, demonstrating innovative technology pathways to reach improved CO2 reduction. The DRIVE technologies and methods will allow industries to minimize the costs of achieving carbon neutral or carbon negative operations at specific point sources, thus facilitating and lowering the costs of the transition of the industrial sectors to the climate neutrality by 2050. This is in complete alignment with the CETP SRIA.

DRIVE‘s objective is to contribute a carbon neutral society by developing technologies and methods for applying cost-effective deep removal of CO2 from industrial sources, in thermally- and electrochemically-driven processes, demonstrated at TRLs 5-7.
In the deep emissions range, cost-effectiveness means that the technologies proposed should have lower costs than DAC. Therefore, in the DRIVE context, a marginal cost of less than 200 €/tCO2 is set as target for the technologies to be studied/developed. How this target translates into CO2 capture costs is case-dependent, but as an example for the lignite-fired coal power plant studied in ALIGN-CCUS, this means reaching carbon-neutral emissions at a cost of 34 €/tCO2 and becoming carbon-negative at 34.2 €/tCO2.