CETP Funded Projects

Acronym TRI Call Module Title Abstract
ISSDEMO TRI 6: Integrated Industrial Energy Systems Call Module: TRI6 Industrial energy systems Industrial process Steam Supply – DEMOnstration of a ultra-dynamic thermal energy storage

The mission of ISSDEMO is to enable energy transition in industrial applications with focus on process steam. ISSDEMO project aims at TRI 6 Integrated industrial energy systems.

DRIVE TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS Call Module: TRI3 CCU/CCS technologies Deep Removal of CO2 and InnoVative Electrification concepts

DRIVE aims at providing improved technological solutions for the first (and most costly) step in CCS and CCU chains: CO2 capture.

HyCoMM TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS Call Module: TRI3 Hydrogen and renewable fuels Clean Hydrogen Construction and Mining Machines

Hybrids and electrified drives can be found in many mobile application areas, such as in passenger cars and city buses, and have proven their performance and robustness in everyday use.

EPoBoC TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies Call Module: TRI2 Breakthrough R&D to increase RE power technologies efficiency Easy to fabricate, both sides poly-Si passivating contact bottom cell for Perowskite/Silicon tandem devices

To continue to follow the long-term learning curve of ca.

AMbCS TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS Call Module: TRI3 CCU/CCS technologies Advanced Membrane-based solutions for CCUS in Shipping

Global CO2 emission levels continue to rise and acceleration in deploying emission reduction technologies of all types across all sectors is required to combat climate change.

ECom4Future TRI 5: Integrated Regional Energy Systems Call Module: TRI5 Integrated Regional Energy Systems FIWARE Driven Energy Communities for the Future

Today, energy systems include prosumers and energy communities, which have novel objectives. They can collect detailed information of their consumption and generation.

LEGACY TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS Call Module: TRI3 CCU/CCS technologies Field studies for de-risking existing wells and CCS site geology

Primary objective of the LEGACY project is to develop tools and technologies for screening, modelling, monitoring, and mitigation of well integrity issues and…

TRANSMIT TRI 7: Integration in the Built Environment Call Module: TRI7 R&I in clean energy integration in the built environment Semi-transparent micro-stripped thin-film photovoltaics for energy-harvesting windows

Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) promises a solution for on-site renewable electricity enabling zero-energy buildings.

SPOT-IT TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies Call Module: TRI2 Breakthrough R&D to increase RE power technologies efficiency Stable printed perovskite/organic tandem solar cells and modules for indoor & IoT

The global Internet-of-Things (IoT) market is projected to grow from $478.36 billion in 2022 to $2,465.26 billion by 2029, at a compound annual growth rate of 26.4% in forecast period.

HydrOTEC TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS Call Module: TRI3 Hydrogen and renewable fuels Hydrogen production with the use of Solar Assisted Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion in the Mediterranean Sea

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) technology uses the temperature difference between the sea surface and sea bed for the production of electricity and/or by-products including desalinated…

MORE TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies Call Module: TRI2 Breakthrough R&D to increase RE power technologies efficiency Next Generation Marine Materials for Resilient Offshore Renewable Energy Devices

MORE (Next Generation Marine Materials for Resilient Offshore Renewable Energy Devices) proposes the creation of a new robust methodology with improved tools for material selection and validation…

REFORM TRI 7: Integration in the Built Environment Call Module: TRI7 R&I in clean energy integration in the built environment Power Generation from Perovskite Architectural Elements

In cities, where the available rooftop area is only a small fraction of the total building surface, BIPV will become an important resource of solar energy which, however, is not yet fully…

GreenSmith TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS Call Module: TRI3 CCU/CCS technologies Gas Processing for Climate Neutral Steelmaking

The GreenSmith project demonstrates the recovery of both H2 and Syngas with CO2…

NORD STORM TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies Call Module: TRI2 Breakthrough R&D to increase RE power technologies efficiency Novel paths towards next generation heterojunction solar cell and module

“NORD STORM” is to develop next generation industrial silicon heterojunction (SHJ) solar cell and modules which exceed the current amorphous Si based SHJ technologies through several breakthrough…

SEASNAKE+ TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies Call Module: TRI2 Advancing RE technologies for power production through cost reduction Industrial upscale of surface protection system & fibre optic-based condition monitoring for the SEASNAKE MVC (Medium Voltage Cables)

The main objective of SEASNAKE+ is to scale-up and demonstrate (TRL6-7) the dynamic medium voltage cable (dMVC) with improved lifetime by: easy clean paint; in-line in-situ paint application…

SMART-LEM TRI 5: Integrated Regional Energy Systems Call Module: TRI5 Integrated Regional Energy Systems A Business Model-Oriented Platform with Applications for Developing Local Electricity Markets and Accelerating Clean Energy Transition

We aim to develop and validate a business model-oriented platform with applications (SMART-LEM) for developing Local Electricity Markets (LEM) and accelerating clean energy transition.

WIND-DIGIPOWER TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies Call Module: TRI2 Breakthrough R&D to increase RE power technologies efficiency Large-scale wind integration for the future digital power grid using innovative power electronics control and communication-based estimations

The aim of this project is to develop innovative solutions for the power system architecture and transmission for offshore wind power plants (OWPP), by exploiting the most advanced communication,…

SMARTMOORING TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies Call Module: TRI2 Breakthrough R&D to increase RE power technologies efficiency Smart mooring for safe and efficient ocean energy production

The SMARTMOORING project focuses on the development and validation of moored marine energy systems that will enable data-driven design optimizations, predictive maintenance procedures, and in-…

CO2RR TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS Call Module: TRI3 CCU/CCS technologies Carbon Rhine Route

The objective of this project is to establish the first commercial international multi-modal CO2 transport value chain in the Europe.

WaMTec TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies Call Module: TRI2 Advancing RE technologies for power production through cost reduction From Wafer to Module: Cost-Effective High-Efficiency Silicon Technologies

In the WaMTec project, an ingot/wafer and a module manufacturer, as well as equipment manufacturers and research institutes are joining forces to reduce the manufacturing costs of solar cells with…

PVT4EU TRI 4: Efficient zero emission Heating and Cooling Solutions Call Module: TRI4 Heating & Cooling Photovoltaic Thermal For Europe

The green and digital transitions of the European economy and its energy systems require sustainable, secure, and climate-neutral technologies.