About the calls

Parts of the CETPartnership Joint Call 2024:

International Part: The international call is performed in 2-stages: submission of a pre-proposal followed by an invite to submit a full proposal.

  • Stage 1: Submission of a pre-proposal, a project consortium chooses one Call Module for the pre-proposal. If the pre-proposal is selected, the project consortium is invited to submit a full proposal.
  • Stage 2: Submission of a full proposal, only if the pre-proposal is invited to participate in Stage 2.

National/Regional Part: All project partners will be evaluated according to national/regional eligibility criteria and requirements. Several Funding Organisations require submission of a proposal on national/regional level. See the respective national/regional requirements for more information.

Projects applying for funding must:

  • meet the international call general requirements 
  • each individual partner participating in the research/innovation project must meet the specific funding agency requirements


Questions Do you have any doubts regarding the Joint calls?

You can fill in the contact form or email to callmanagement@cetpartnership.eu.

If you have questions about the National/Regional Phase, please contact your specific funding agency (list here)