Matchmaking Session 3 - Call on Data Spaces and Interoperability
international own event
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CETPartnership Event Platform


About event

Thank you to those who attended the matchmaking session! Several stakeholders from academia, research centers and different sectors, going beyond energy, joined the discussions and had the opportunity to pitch.

You can find the pitches here:

You can also find the PDF copy of the Mural used during the discussions here.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Michele de Nigris and Giuseppe Palazzo from TRI 1 via


In order to facilitate the creation of great consortia TRI 1 invites you to join the online matchmaking sessions on interoperability on 17th and 24th of September, 10:00-12:00 CEST.

Call Module 1 of CETPartnership Joint Call 2024 is meant to fund one ambitious project to tackle an outstanding aspect of energy system integration: interoperability among data spaces.

The supported project should create a tested and validated software pilot of an IT framework for energy data spaces and implement a reference model that brings together different data spaces. The project should work on a use case, addressing multi-lateral and cross-sector applications. TRI 1 proposes this use case: communication in an EV-charging infrastructure enabling the provision/request.

After an initial presentation of Call Module expectations and goals, the matchmaking sessions will involve interested potential applicants in an interactive discussion about the necessary competences and experience to build consortia able to propose the highest excellence, impact and implementation.  

Co-creation tools will be used to facilitate interaction among participants. Opportunities will be given to pitch profiles and ideas in search of project partners.

Here you can access to previous sessions’ pitches.

See you soon!
