Energy System Modelling for Transition to a net-Zero 2050 for EU via REPowerEU

Man0EUvRE will improve energy system modelling across Europe and provide open research-based answers with ambitions to:

  1. Develop robust pathways for the European energy system that meet climate targets towards net-zero GHG emissions and consider current policies
  2. Provide feedback and advice to the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) of the individual EU countries.
  3. Improve a set of models for conducting energy transition studies at European and national level, which can support NECP generation, evaluation and future updates.
  4. Publish consistent energy system modelling datasets and scenario projections at European and national level.
  5. Strengthen coordination between national energy plans and EU-wide transition goals.

Man0EUvRE will push the research frontier by:

  • Bridging the gap between academic energy system models and real-life applications that support the clean energy transition with model development,
  • New insights in scenarios and pathways for Europe that lead us to a net-zero 2050 while incorporating the perspective of a secure energy supply described in the REPowerEU strategy and the Net Zero Industrial act,
  • Man0EUvRE will provide a pan-European perspective to the NECP development, enabling joint undertaking with lower costs.

Man0EUvRE meets call module 1.1 objectives National vs European perspectives, Integrated energy system planning tools, Resilient planning and operation, Market design and regulation and Energy-economy models.