
Low Cost Molten Salt Thermal Energy Storage for Industrial Processes

LoCoMoSa aims to demonstrate a cost-reduced medium- to long-duration thermal energy storage system based on molten salt to deliver industrial heat at 120-450 °C. This project proposes indirect electrification using renewable energy to ensure a lower energy cost and higher energy security level for the industry. In this way, the project can advance the decarbonization of medium-temperature industries. LoCoMoSa aims to push state of the art for plant integration and cost of Thermal Energy Storage (TES) in industrial settings. Developing a high electrical capacity heater at medium voltage will significantly reduce the overall heater cost, including site installations, by charging TES with cheap, abundant renewable energy. Depending on the target process, energy can be stored for a few hours to a week. Heat will be delivered to the process from thermal energy storage via an additive-manufactured steam generator. It will use novel heat exchange geometry to reduce material usage and size while maximizing efficiency and minimizing dead zones. The development of an improved connection solution, instead of relying on welding, will make maintenance less strenuous and costly as less drastic interventions are needed, the need for cutting pipes for maintenance, leading to plant downtime being significantly reduced as replacing equipment will be much quicker. To be industrially relevant, storage must have low cost, high efficiency, and flexible operation.