We invite all Swedish stakeholders interested in the second call of the Clean Energy Transition Partnership to join the event to learn more about funding opportunities and eligibility criteria. The Joint Call 2023 has identified 10 key research areas which will be funded. Swedish applicants will be able to apply to any of the call modules.
The information will be in Swedish, and the meeting is primarily for Swedish applicants.
We will present the main areas for the call that opens on September 13, and eligibility criteria for Swedish applicants. 2023.
- Direct current (DC) technologies for power networks
- Power conversion technologies, storage and system integration
- Renewable energy technologies Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS)
- Hydrogen and renewable fuels
- Heating and cooling technologies
- Geothermal energy technologies
- Integrated regional energy systems
- Integrated industrial energy systems
- Clean energy integration in the built environment
12.00–13.00 Short presentation of the CETP 2023 Call and requirements for Swedish applicants
13.00–13.30 Time for questions
Register here: Informationsmöte inför utlysningen i CETPartnership (Sverige) (energimyndigheten.se)
Should you have any questions feel free to contact the Swedish Energy Agency CETPartnership@energimyndigheten.se