CM2023-04: Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS)

Joint call 2023

The Call Module on CCU/CCS is based on the previous ERA-Net ACT initiative with the aim to facilitate the emergence of CO2 Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) technologies via funding of transnational projects. It aims at facilitating the emergence of CCU and CCS by accelerating and maturing these CCU/CCS technologies through targeted financing of innovation and research activities.

The term CCUS refers to all areas of the CCU and CCS chains. It encompasses a wide spectrum of technologies to capture CO2 from point sources or directly from the air and either store it in porous geological formations that are typically located several kilometres under the earth’s surface, onshore or offshore (CCS), or use the CO2 to produce valuable products like fuels or energy, chemicals, and other materials (CCU).

Under this Call, CCU does not include the use of CO2 as a non-reactive working fluid, unless it is combined with other renewable systems (such as geothermal) to constitute a CCUS system.

The CCU/CCS Call Module intends to fund projects that aim to accelerate CCUS technologies in support of global efforts to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 50 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 and further efforts for climate neutrality.

The CCU/CCS Call Module is seeking innovative projects that range from smaller research projects to new or major expansions/upgrades of existing pilot and demonstration facility sites or projects.

Selected projects will support the emergence of CCU/CCS primarily in the industrial sectors and the energy sector.

The ambition of the Call Module is to select projects that have the potential to accelerate the time to market for CCU/CCS technologies. This will require cost-shared participation from industries in research and innovation activities, especially in energy intensive and heavy industry sectors, which may benefit strongly from implementing CCU/CCS technologies.