Call Module 2025-09: Clean energy integration in the built environment
Joint call 2025
The built environment should become an active part within the overall energy landscape. To achieve this, the Call Module is dedicated to the integration of existing energy production and conversion, as well as utilizing existing energy storage and management technologies into the built environment to enhance flexibility. The overall goal is to achieve a climate-neutral building stock/built environment.
Potential applicants need to address the following challenges:
- Transform the building to an active part within the energy system by integrating energy production, energy storage and energy management technologies
- Digitalisation of the whole life cycle of a building (planning, construction, commissioning, operation, decommissioning and disposal)
- New concepts and technologies for the renovation of the existing built environment
Projects that are funded are expected to provide solutions to at least one of the challenges in the Call Module through new knowledge, skills, and integration approaches.
Contact Point: TRI7@cetpartnership.eu