Call Module 2025-06

Call Module 2025-06: Heating and cooling technologies

Joint call 2025

Are you developing innovative heating and cooling technologies and systems for climate-neutral Europe by 2050? Do you need international collaboration? 

Consider the CETPartnership 2025 Call topic ‘Heating and Cooling Technologies' for funding. 

Innovations may address: 

  •  Heat and cold source technologies, e.g., thermal and geothermal  
  •  Thermal storage technology  
  •  Distribution, conversion, and integration, e.g., heat pumping technologies  

The scope encompasses the built environment, agriculture, and industrial processes in collective and individual systems. As the heating transition is lagging behind in Europe, there is a clear challenge to develop better, cheaper, easily applicable, and climate-neutral heating and cooling technologies. They are needed to provide thermal comfort and heat for industry and agriculture while fully phasing out fossil fuel-fired dependence. 

This Call Module is looking for market-driven innovation activities where at least one company is participating in the consortium. 

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