Call Module 2025-03 A/B: Advanced renewable energy (RE) technologies for power production
Call Module 3 A/B Advanced renewable energy (RE) technologies for power production share the same topic, however, vary in approach.
Applicants can either apply under CM2023-03A which is for projects with a Research-Oriented Approach (ROA). Or, apply for CM2023-03B for projects with a innovation Oriented Approach (IOA).
The 2025 Call Module 3 A and B on the topic of: Advanced renewable energy (RE) technologies for power production' continues in line with the previous Call. It addresses relevant R&I priorities to support the development of a broad portfolio of cost-efficient RE technologies related to:
- Â Concentrated Solar Power
- Ocean energy and offshore renewables
- Photovoltaics
- Wind
- Hybridisation and integration of different RES or storage solutions.
As a novel topic, the Call Module includes geothermal energy for power applications.
Projects are expected to contribute to achieving the specific SET Plan Implementation Plans targets in terms of cost, efficiency, circularity, and sustainability, supporting the EU energy strategies for the transition towards a clean energy system based on high shares of renewables for power production.
Contact point: TRI2@cetpartnership.eu