Call Module 2025-01

Call Module 2025-01: Multi-vector interactions between the integrated energy system and industrial frameworks

Joint call 2025

Within this call module, adopting the viewpoint of the energy systems, applicants are asked to develop tools, methods, and solutions to foster flexible interaction between industrial plants and the energy system, leveraging a multi-vector approach (electricity, gas, hydrogen, heating/cooling, fuels, etc.). 

This Call module aims to enable synergies between the energy system and industries to contribute to an integrated, low-carbon, and efficient energy system. 

The energy system viewpoint on flexibility technologies is at the core of the Call Module. Different aspects should be tackled, from the development of optimal interfaces for cross-sector and multi-vector integration to enabling business models and market designs, from economic to environmental sustainability of the adopted solutions. Participation of industries as relevant stakeholders and need-owners is important. 

Contact point: Please direct inquiries to both and