Power Generation from Perovskite Architectural Elements

In cities, where the available rooftop area is only a small fraction of the total building surface, BIPV will become an important resource of solar energy which, however, is not yet fully exploited for electricity generation. The project REFORM pretends to exploit this opportunity with widespread deployment of perovskite BIPVs, combining the use of scalable processes, device integration and aesthetics, to deliver new architectural solutions for power generation. As we will only employ scalable methods for device fabrication, our scientific achievements will also have a technological impact. The project has strategic importance, as the results will foster Europe's independence in energy and material supply. Commercially, we envisioned the full scheme going from research and development, to upscaling, validation and verification, aiming at technological transfer and exploitation. The objective is particularly relevant for the Module 7.1 of the Transition Initiative (TRI) 7 “Integration in the built environment - R&I in clean energy integration in the built environment”. REFORM will provide solutions for a number of the proposed challenges, among others: PV integration in buildings, structural and functional integration, aesthetics solutions, decommissioning and disposal; Seamless integration of renewable energy technologies in the urban environment; Create climate-neutral buildings or building environment blocks.