Brine Utilisation for CO2 to be ‘Koncretely’ Sequestered, Solidified and Stored

The project goal is to evolve ongoing activities to optimise CCU technology (CO2-mineralisation) and optimise relevant sourcing and use of the added-value products generated; all assisted by digitisation and computational modelling of the entire process. These include: UPSTREAM superior CO2-capture (WP1) and brine-upgrade (WP2) via novel membrane technology; DOWNSTREAM, improved wastewater treatment (WP2) and optimised carbonation reactions and use in concrete & refractory materials (WP3). ‘Proof-of-practice’ is in-hand at industrial scales, TRL4/5 for CO2-mineralisation and TRL5/6 for the successful formation and testing of carbonate-filled concretes, and satisfying international standards (eg. ISO1920-4). The project expects to achieve TRL6-8 through raising CCU efficacy via superior upstream feedstock robustness, together with wastewater remediation, as well as optimisation of carbonate products and their industrial uses. Focus is also on helping the UN’s drive to ‘averting a sand crisis’ (UN environemnt programme, Sand & Sustainability, 26/04/2022), through the efficient formation of sand & aggregate replacements. Work also includes helping develop EU policy around underdeveloped aspects of CCU technology (WP4). Industrial partners provide sizeable contributions: computational modelling & machine learning for techno-economic analyses and process scale-up, desalination equipment, access to brine and salt bitterns (~2-300 kilo t/yr), concrete formation & testing, and custom reactor manufacture.

CONSORTIUM: Sapienza U, Italy (Coordinator Dr.ssa K.Viviana Tian); CERTH, Greece (Dr.ssa A.Asimakopoulou); Ben-Gurion, Israel, (Dr.ssa N.Teschner); ECA Aps, Denmark (Dr.J.P.Hansen); Conselab Srl, Italy (Dr.M.Toni); Sosalt Spa, Italy (Prof.G.D’Alì Staiti); MEH Srl, Italy; Gement, UK (Ms.R.Rickwood); Modern Age Plastics Inc., Canada (Mrs.N.Sheridan); QM U. London, UK (Dr.G.A.Chass/Dr.D.DiTommaso); Utrecht U., Netherlands; McMaster U, Canada (Prof.D.H.Farrar); U.Alberta, Canada (Prof.R.Y.Yada). Overall gender equality: 7 of all 13 partners are female-led including the coordinator, with the consortium representing 9 different cultures.